NTUC more worried about their own reputation than rats in their stalls that could harm Singaporeans?

Image:NTUC FairPrice Facebook

A delivery man posted pictures of rat traces in NTUC (Singapore equivalent of Sainsburys and Tesco). NTUC's first reaction was to threaten to sue the delivery man and to expose the delivery man's wrong doing - unrelated to rats in NTUC.

It is clear that NTUC was more defensive of its own reputation than explaining to customers how rats were able to bite into food products. Instead of coming clean with a bigger issue that could lead to lost of lives, NTUC decided to threaten the delivery man. One can assess that NTUC was more worried about defending their name than to address the problem at hand.

I think we need to rethink ethics in Singapore's business ecosystem. It is common sense to every Singaporean that NTUC's potential rat infestation is more important an issue than whether the delivery man stole some bread or not.

Perhaps an MP should ask in Parliament if an investigation of NTUC's warehouses and stalls can take place to Ensure Singaporeans have safe access to food. We need to bring up the ethics of businesses in Singapore. I think we should get citizens to expose these firms and collectively teach them a lesson - the power of the public.

One way is for Singaporeans to go to NTUC and start taking pictures of rats infestation, cockroaches and such. If we are serious about taking matters into our own hands in democratic Singapore, we should consider this option.






其次, 相处的时间长短很重要。你和某人在一起花的时间越多,你越有可能影响到他们从而让他们喜欢上你。 相处质量-即在有效时间内,通过释放善意的信息,在多大程度上可以满足另一个人的心理、生理需求


与萤火虫通过发光器官来吸引交配对象相似,人类使用眉毛的上下运动来吸引关注。 即使从远处做这个动作也可以告诉对方你没有恶意。




到现在为止,你已经释放出足够的善意了,是时候开始交谈了。 到底该如何进行呢?





吸引力法则定律一, 相似定律, 即选择那些和你持有相同原则或价值观的人成为朋友。该定律有效的原因是相似的人在一起会强化相似的部分从而促进相互吸引。如何运用这个定律呢?你可以在你想展开良好关系的那个人身上找你们的共同点开始对话, 注意避开那些你们并不是都感兴趣的话题。













Minimalism principles to cost cutting - don't sacrifice quality

When you cut cost, you need to maintain quality standards. You cannot decrease service levels.

I like the principle of “Less”. You can start by saving space and unnecessary activities that do not implicate operations. Space is often something you can consider. Also consider hot desking. You don’t have full capacity all the time. Hot desking allows you to cut down space use. 

Another way to cut cost is to outsource non-core business operations. It is cheaper because you won’t have to employ someone and consider costs comprising wages, insurance, training and development.
Also, create the right incentives. Give sales people KPIs that help the firm, not close deals but leave operations unattended.

No matter what happens, firing your staff should be the last option. It creates insecurity and fear in the firm. Once that happens, valuable employees may start finding new jobs. Give employees the option to go for unpaid leave.

We need to shut down tax havens

If an investor from country A buys stock from country B, accounts of country B would record the sale as a liability. If the investor from A record this as an asset in country A, he would be taxed on income of this stock. If the investor in country A were to park it in a Swiss account, he wouldn't be taxed.

Since the financial crisis began in 2008, economic growth has dwindled dramatically, leading to increasing debt. In 2014 alone, income hidden away in tax havens removed $78 billion in tax revenue for European countries.

As we speak, the rich get richer by escaping tax. We need forceful solutions. Tax havens should face economic sanctions and trade levies.We need international compliance. 

We can create an international wealth database to help tax authorities to verify when banks are withholding client information.

Multinational corporations also avoid paying taxes. They earn profits from around the world and apply transfer prices to minimize tax. These practices harm society and add to increasing economic inequality. We need to shut down tax havens.

Don't underestimate the power of a loyal customer - a few tips based on personal experience

The success of a company is tied to the relationship with their customers. Don’t underestimate the power of a loyal customer to spread the gospel of your brand.

Customers are not interested in unclear product propositions. We want to relate to your product in an instant. Your product has to be intuitive.

A loyal customer is valuable. They generate a lot more revenue than others.

A loyal customer talks about your product and return many times to buy your product.

If your product is failing, you need to learn what your customers want. Rethink your product specifications – does it meet the needs of customers?

Visual impression means a lot. If any product is unappealing, it’s hard to get customers.

Your team members are only second to the customer. Hire very slowly, but fire quickly if they are not a good fit.

Consumerism is screwing us up. Own lesser things, have lesser problems in life

How many things have you bought that you have never used before?

Most of us make impulse purchase at the flea market and online. While this trend may not be harmful, it is certainly not without a cost. Hoarding things make it hard for you to stay organized. These things have the potential to destroy our life, take away your attention.

Consumerism have been touted as the engine to fuel the economy. Advertisers also claim that it makes you happier. But today, we want to be anti-consumerism. Buying more things does not make you happier.

You are suffering from consumerism if you bought too many things and if your home and cellar is filled with useless items. Do you still determine happiness by the number of assets you own? Materialism means you have more things to organize and to worry about. Buying more today means less money for tomorrow. Buying more also means contributing to inflationary measures – i.e. your money is worth much lesser.

Many of you will notice that having too much of something does not satisfy. If you have too much of a good food, you begin to get sick of it. Consumerism causes depression because you are in the rat race to continue to buy more, buy newer models of cars and phones.

So what should you do?

Get rid of things you don’t use. Get rid of emotionally charged things. Opt for a simpler life. Experiences hold a higher value than material possessions. Experiences create bonds and they shape our identity more than possessions. A week of family bonding time can strengthen ties. A few more cars will not. You can try being an anti-consumptionist for a while. Detox your life.

Head start to success: Simple principles of a successful career and business venture

Success is unrelated with education

When it comes to business, most people think there’s an official starting line: A degree, an apprenticeship, or stumbling on the right amount of money.

You certainly don’t need an MBA to have a business. Common sense is most important. You will also need to read a lot. Read books written by successful businessmen. It’s the cheapest way to absorb decades of experience.

Will MBA payoff?

The MBA won’t be the one place to pay to receive knowledge and contacts to start a business. After considering the opportunity cost of jobs, MBA fees can go up to $200,000. That’s expensive. But does it lead to success? No, there is no correlation between success and MBA at all.

The 101 of value

You don’t only need to think of a product to tell. It has to be a product that people are interested to buy. Buying decisions are triggered by emotions or specific requirements.

Imagine selling a bottle of stale water to a hiker lost in a desert. He’d be willing to pay just about anything for that lousy bottle, just because it responds to his predominant need. The lesson here? Find your own desperate hiker.

There are four kinds of need

  • Desire to acquire and collect thing
  • Desire to feel valued and loved
  • Desire to learn and satisfy curiosity
  • Desire to defend ourselves.

There is no cheap way to communicate with your intended market segment. Sometimes, it’s better to deliver a hand written note than to advertise on social media. People don’t buy a product for its own sake. They buy it because of the end result they’re hoping to attain. For example, a woman won’t pay $20 for a lipstick simply because the color is nice. She buys it because she hopes it will make her more desirable. This is why testimonials are important.

You can close a sale even if the customer is reluctant

The owner of a pet shop can simply convince a prospect by allowing the owner to bring the pet dog for a week as a trial. It is very lightly that the owner will not return the dog. Clients hate to make a bad choice. So we can let them test the product and if they don’t like it, allow a refund.

Communications is key

You might have a great idea, but you need clear communications to implement. If you want someone to do something, you should tell them why. People like to understand what they are doing. If you explain why, you don’t have to micromanage every step.

A simple way to communicate better is to stop putting others down. People can also become defensive and try to save face rather than understand your comments. Create a safe environment for people to share ideas.

Minimalism in reading - the equivalent of speed reading

First, you don't actually have to read everything in a book or newspaper to understand it. In fact, it's impossible to read everything that passes over your desk. Instead, you should get in the habit of selecting and prioritizing what's actually important. 

Second, you don't have to remember everything you read to get something from the material. We develop this misconception about reading in school, where we're under pressure to remember everything we read in our textbooks because we'll be tested on the material.

If you want to retain the information for the future, you'll need to create an easy retrieval system.

Try writing down the crucial information (electronically or on paper), or make highlights and notes in the margins. Then, simply file the materials away. This way you can find the information easily, and it will also take away the pressure of memorizing everything.

We need to get the rape culture out of the way for progress.

 “Like a spider, she drew him into her web.” This was said of an 11-year-old girl when she defended against a guy who tried to rape her. Rape victims across the world are blamed for luring guys to rape women.

In this case, which happened in Cleveland, Texas in 2010, the 11-year-old girl was repeatedly gang raped by several men. You might agree that this was a clear cut case. But the defense said the girl was audacious enough to wear makeup.

Facts were twisted and used to blame the victim. The public were shocked that the men had been “seduced” into such behavior. There was a lot of concern about the case affecting the men for the rest of their lives.

These attitude is the product of the culture we live in. We expect woman to adhere to rules and men’s unspoken policies to avoid getting raped. Girls are told not to go out alone at night, not to talk to strange men you don’t know, not to wear revealing clothing.

We cannot keep putting the responsibility of rape prevention onto the victims makes it easier for people to blame them if a rape does occur.

Rape doesn’t result from the actions of a small number of men. We need to rewrite rules of society.

Buy index funds, but if you insist on trying our stock trading for yourself, read this.

I'm prompted to just tell investors to buy ETFs or index fund. But I realized not many investors are aware of the basics and still believe they can beat the market. So here's a simple 101 of stocks.

You own a business when you own a stock

Every stock represents part of a business, and when you buy stock you’re actually purchasing a share of the company. So in the same way that entrepreneurs can own a business outright or split ownership with other partners, as a stockholder, you can own shares of a company.

But while entrepreneurs and partners work day in, day out to manage their business, as a shareholder you don’t have any responsibility for managing the company and can sell your shares whenever you want.

So stocks are effectively pieces of a company, and many companies make their stock available to the public. This is a strategic decision that depends on the size and financial needs of a company. Every business relies on financing, but some entrepreneurs use their own savings while others come up with the initial capital by asking family and friends like the founders of Google did.

As a company grows, its funding often needs to grow with it. Eventually, the company can become so big that it only has two options for how to raise the massive amounts of capital needed to run its daily operations and make investments

  1.        They can borrow money from a bank just like an average person would do to buy a car or a house.
  2.        They can sell ownership of the firm for money.

Take emotions out of the equation

Financial news can create distress. Investing is about keeping calm and going for the long term.
In fact, one of the best times to buy stocks is when investors’ emotions drive down financial markets. Market panic is the best tool to get cheap stocks. Don’t feel a sense of “missing out” when your peers make, let 20%, and you sat out of the deal. There is nothing to panic! Investments is best done when you are calm, and your only counterparty is the market.

Don’t invest an amount you cannot afford to lose. Fear can drive people to make irrational choices.

  • When looking at a stock, it’s best to act like a five-year-old and keep asking why.
  • Why do people like or need the company’s products in their lives?
  • Why do they consume its products?
  • How is the company making money?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions, its better off buying the entire index through index funds of ETFs.

Today, financial markets are prone to drastic drops and spikes. These changes can be caused by mood swings prompted by over-excitement and disappointment.