"Help" is useful when delegating responsibility and "thanks" keeps motivation levels high.
How do you feel when someone asks you for help? It makes you feel important and needed, doesn't it? That's what makes "help" such a powerful magic word.
However, if you need help or someone offers you help, you have to work with that person in a specific way. Say you ask for help with writing some code, for example, and the person who volunteers is a beginner. Should you let them give it a go?
Yes. You never know what beginners might come up with. He might develop some innovative new way of getting the program right. And, if he fails, he'll learn from it and be honored that you let him try. Either way, he'll become a happier and more satisfied employee.
The last magic word is "thanks." "Thanks" is important in business: businesses need to thank their customers and bosses need to thank their employees. "Thanks" keeps customers happy and makes employees feel more valued and motivated.
An employee always feels more motivated to stay at a job if they see value in it. So employees should feel accomplished and proud when they finish a project or their boss gives them praise. If they don't feel appreciated, they might not stick around.
Furthermore, the more often you repeat the same task, the less satisfying it is. When you get used to doing something, it doesn't feel rewarding anymore and your boss will probably stop praising you for it.
So keep your employees happy by showing appreciation for all they do. Don't forget – your business couldn't exist without them! You can start by simply smiling more often. Aim to create a thanks-culture in your company, where everyone's contribution is recognized and valued.