





钦州的财政状况不但没有因为钦州港而受益,反而受到了巨大影响。在2015年钦州市财政收支情况综述中写到,作为全是收入龙头的钦州港区近几年没有重大企业投产,税收增长动力严重不足。 2016年财政收入增收压力依然较大,财政收入下降了5.0%, 预算下降1.7%,而支出却增长了4.8%。
投资不足并非根本原因。在钦州经营葡萄酒进口业务的投资者Simon Pun表示,”各方面成长起来需要多年时间,整个过程很不容易,因为这需要有海关官员、投资者和受过培训的员工。”软实力才是吸引外商投资的关键,而这绝非如港口的建设速度一样,一朝一夕便可成功。“一带一路”是一根指挥棒,可不是万能的魔法棒。
钦州并不是躲在宏大叙事下的个例,这一次受影响的不只是政府的财政收入,还有失去了土地的农民。江苏泰州中国医药城,地处上海与南京之间,规划面积30平方公里。2005年江苏省委、省政府出台了打造“中国医药城”的决策。这里也是曾经的中国国家领导人胡锦涛的故乡。2012年8月,时任主席的胡视察了泰州,并受到了热烈欢迎。在这中国医药城的土地,是政府并采用了“强拆”的方式获得的, 并激起了村民的激烈抵抗。“开发商和政府部门采用期满、恐吓等手段诱逼村民签字。拆迁户之间的补偿标准也相差甚大,有的补偿单价甚至相差十几倍。”被政府强行征去,并没有公平的补偿标准,且失去了自己土地的农民被逼着走上了长期上访维权的道路
而通过政府强权得到的“面子工程”的土地究竟开发的怎么样呢?Wade Shepard,多家杂志的作者亲自到泰州考察了一番。在他的文章里,他形容整个医药城看起来就像一个鬼城。“整座城市没有流动,没有噪音,连人都很少见。而巨型建筑之间的巨大空地更是让这个地方看起来空空如也。”在Wade对在泰州发展不太顺利的一个美国人的采访中,他问道,为何“中国医药城”发展不起来,Chou说“没有足够的人口。”Chou在采访时,已经在泰州发展了2年,享受了1年多的免租金、低税政策,还是对未来的发展不乐观。而没有足够人口的原因,与前面为了得到土地而驱赶当地村民对比,又不免让人觉得讽刺。



盈利模式的薄弱,还可以从用户和商户两方面入手。丰富服务种类,提高用户忠诚度,挖掘更多的利润增长点。美国的Eat Club设立自家厨房来烹饪食物,最终获得了盈利。
蚂蚁金服为饿了么用户提供“安全理赔快速通道”, 饿了么平台的中小商户,众包配送服务商及个人,可获得蚂蚁金服提供的金融服务。百度外卖美团外卖都紧抓云计算服务平台,高度精准用户画像,规划最佳配送路径,大幅提高了运营效率,并为商家企业提供技术服务,有望创造新的利润增长点。
三大主流平台也已在即时消费领域发力,并在B端业务展开较量。在外卖类型中,午餐占据57.9%,晚餐和宵夜的占比和也高达53%,加上非正餐类型的扩充,为跟上市场需求和双赢,平台服务和商户的产品内容势必走向全时段、多元化、全品类。饿了么推出“有菜”,打造高品质垂直供应链; 美团外卖商家则从“快驴进货”买进食材,一次性用品,酒水饮料等等,加速布局B端业务; 百度外卖与武圣炙城餐饮管理有限公司达成独家战略合作,从商户端差异化竞争。除了丰富盈利模式,供应链的经营管理还将有利于建立完整的食品安全体系,平台和客户将受益匪浅。


The European Union will grow weaker in the next decade.

The consequences of the 2008 meltdown have highlighted how far Europe is from being a single and united geopolitical force.

Germany opposed bailout measures for weaker countries. This also highlights the reality that Europe's historical integration was imposed primarily by the necessity of organizing against the Soviet threat.

The confederate model for European organization and integration hasn't evolved into a deeper sense of unity over time. Even today, each constituent nation-state chooses whether to adopt the Euro as its currency, clings to its own history and identity and refuses to commit to a united defense policy.

Ultimately, though the EU will not disappear, the coming years will see some members stepping out of the eurozone. And without united military forces, the EU will never attain any real power.







Minimalism does not always mean perfect order, but selecting what to focus on

With more data, you will pick up errors. If your model picks up these noises, predictions will go wrong. It is human tendency to prefer order. But order is not always beneficial. In Silicon Valley, employees hop around from job to job. These mean ideas are exchanged quickly, resulting in better innovation.

Disruptions force us to find new, creative approaches.  Novel ideas are usually discovered in disorderly periods.

Working groups often find their finds converging. But differing views help different ideas interact – allowing range of ideas to grow.

Stop censoring yourself. This is a risky step, but it's a risk you've got to take if you want to tap into the power of improvisation. Non-judgemental mind-set is crucial since improvisation depends on creating unpredictability, a chaotic state only they feel comfortable with. 

In another example, organizing your email is essentially pointless. It's quicker to use the search bar than to parse through a whole system of folders. This doesn't mean not planning, but that you should embrace differences even as you plan.

Passive investing – the only way to plan for retirement

This entry includes highlights from a journal in CFA publications. My intention is to urge investors to invest in low cost index funds. The general rule of thumb is, the higher the cost, the lower your rate of return. Active managers who can outperform the market is incredibly hard to find. In fact, it’s quite improbably to find one who can outperform the market persistently, net of fees, over a long time.
There is extensive, undeniable data which show that identifying in advance any particular investment manager who will—after costs, taxes, and fees—achieve the holy grail of beating the market is highly improbable.
If there’s anything in the whole world of mutual funds that you can take to the bank, it’s that expense ratios help you make a better decision. In every single time period and data point tested, low-cost funds beat high-cost funds. Investors should make expense ratios a primary test in fund selection. They are still the most dependable predictor of performance.
[Kinnel, Russel. 2010. Morningstar FundInvestor, vol. 18, no. 12 (August):1–3.]
Whether one is investing a lump-sum amount or a series of periodic amounts, the arithmetic of investment expenses is compelling. Although a long-term investor may be able to find one or more high-cost managers who can beat an appropriate benchmark by an amount sufficient to more than offset the added costs, the reality is that “compared with the readily available passive alternative, fees for active management are astonishingly high” (Ellis 2012, p. 4).
Managers with extraordinary skills may exist, but as I argued in this publication many years ago (Sharpe 1991), another exercise in arithmetic indicates that such managers are in the minority. And as Ellis has reminded us, they are very hard indeed to identify in advance.
Ellis, Charles D. (2012). “Investment Management Fees Are (Much) Higher Than You Think.” Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 68, No. 3 (May/June): 4-6.
Kimmel, Russell (2010). Morningstar Fund Investor, Vol. 18, No. 12 (August): 1-3.
Sharpe, William F. (1991). “The Arithmetic of Active Management.” Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 47, No. 1 (January/February): 7-9.
Vanguard Group (2012). “Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares.”
https://personal.vanguard.com/us/funds/snapshot?FundId=0585&FundIntExt=INT#hist=tab%3A3 (accessed 5 July 2012)

Further evidences that active management does not impress

Evidence that active management does not work – from Active Management in Mostly Efficient Markets (Robert C. Jones, CFA, and Russ Wermers)

The study shows that neither the average mutual fund nor the average institutional separate account (ISA) earned a positive alpha, net of fees and expenses, after adjusting for market and style risks. It is even harder for actively managed funds to outperform passive alternatives on an after-tax basis.

The study found that the average active manager earns a positive alpha before fees but that this alpha does not quite cover the costs of active management.

Most important findings in that study:
Active returns (adjusted for risk) across managers and time probably average close to zero, net of fees and other expenses. This finding is what we should expect in a mostly efficient market.

In another study (Does Active Management Pay? New International Evidence)
Quote: “The authors examine the empirical evidence for the common academic guidance that even sophisticated investors should avoid active equity management because of the outperformance of passive strategies after costs. They confirm this advice’s validity for the US equity market, the world’s most efficient market, but identify exceptions elsewhere.”

Active management might work in inefficient markets. But in efficient markets, active management does not work net of fees.

Expense ratio is key determinant to returns

This entry includes highlights from a journal in CFA publications. My intention is to urge investors to invest in low cost index funds. The general rule of thumb is, the higher the cost, the lower your rate of return. Active managers who can outperform the market is incredibly hard to find. In fact, it’s quite improbably to find one who can outperform the market persistently, net of fees, over a long time.

There is extensive, undeniable data which show that identifying in advance any particular investment manager who will—after costs, taxes, and fees—achieve the holy grail of beating the market is highly improbable.
If there’s anything in the whole world of mutual funds that you can take to the bank, it’s that expense ratios help you make a better decision. In every single time period and data point tested, low-cost funds beat high-cost funds. Investors should make expense ratios a primary test in fund selection. They are still the most dependable predictor of performance.
Whether one is investing a lump-sum amount or a series of periodic amounts, the arithmetic of investment expenses is compelling. Although a long-term investor may be able to find one or more high-cost managers who can beat an appropriate benchmark by an amount sufficient to more than offset the added costs, the reality is that “compared with the readily available passive alternative, fees for active management are astonishingly high” (Ellis 2012, p. 4).
Managers with extraordinary skills may exist, but as I argued in this publication many years ago (Sharpe 1991), another exercise in arithmetic indicates that such managers are in the minority. And as Ellis has reminded us, they are very hard indeed to identify in advance.
[Kinnel, Russel. 2010. Morningstar FundInvestor, vol. 18, no. 12 (August):1–3.]
Ellis, Charles D. (2012). “Investment Management Fees Are (Much) Higher Than YouThink.” Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 68, No. 3 (May/June): 4-6.
Kimmel, Russell (2010). Morningstar Fund Investor, Vol. 18, No. 12 (August): 1-3.
Sharpe, William F. (1991). “The Arithmetic of Active Management.” Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 47, No. 1 (January/February): 7-9.
Vanguard Group (2012). “Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares.”

Sure way to lose money- crowdfunding a firm

Crowdfunding is often perceived as a way to democratize finance. Everyone can commit a small amount of money to fund small companies. Crowdfunding is also known as P2P lending.

Unlike VC funding or debt, crowdfunding requires potentially less paperwork. You can do it on Kickstarter, you can borrow from friend and friends. But crowdfunding can be dangerous. Better startups would have received attention from formal sources such as angel investors, venture capital firms, banks and laboratories. Crowdfunding firms bypassed these sources to ask the public for money. Is there a potential for adverse selection?
Can we conclude that there are more “thrashy” projects on crowdfunding platforms? People who invest little amount of money invest when they feel inspired by ideas. They probably do less due diligence than VCs. This is why crowdfunding can be dangerous for the investor.
There are intermediaries like Lending Club who tries to include some credit risk analysis into startups. But anyone will be able to attest that business stability leading to proper cash flow evaluation is always almost impossible. When the investor losses their investments in the case of crowdfunding, there is little recourse. Pursuing legal actions is costly and difficult. Here are some examples of start-ups which, even though they raised money, didn’t manage to complete their project successfully:
Pirate3D Inc raised nearly $1.5M on Kickstarter in 2013, planning to make a 3D printer available for use by anybody. A total of 3,520 backers invested money to the project including 3,389 who gave more than $300 to eventually get a printer.
Another example is that of Neil Singh’s lawsuit against Seth Quest. The latter launched a Kickstarter campaign in March 2011 for Hanfree, a standing iPad mount he’d devised. The crowdfunding campaign was initially a success, and he raised $35,000. However the production was a disaster and Quest couldn’t fulfill his backers’ pre-orders, one of whom was Neil Singh.
The fact is crowdfunding companies probably need more than capital. They need professional advice. Money is one of the many things they will need.
Summarily, if you are an individual, do not invest in startups in your retirement plans. Instead, keep them in an index fund, ensure low cost investments. There are plenty of evidences of how active management does not outperform passive management. Here are some links:
[UPDATE] A very recent and vivid example of crowdfunding risk, is that of FND Film, a filmmakers’ start up, which raised about $78,000 in 2014 through Indiegogo crowdfunding platform, regardless of the fact that they didn’t provide any other detail about their project, but the name of the film “It’s All Good”.
After raising all that money the filmmakers disappered and started posting photos in social media showing that they were enjoying themselves with champagne and limos in Italy. As it was expected, the people who funded the project got furious, for what eventually turned out to be a troll, as the filmmakers made the movie two years after. It came as a very pleasant surprise to their supporters that the project they funded, was actually a metamovie of not making a movie, illustrating vividly the risks that crowdfunding entails.

Passive funds are a better choice than active funds

At the end of 2015, more than 84% of U.S. active funds underperformed the S&P 500 over the year. From a long-term view, over the past ten years, more than 98% of active funds failed to beat their benchmarks. Diving through the data, active funds failed to outperform the market over almost all time frames, the report of S&P Dow Jones Indices shows.

Savita Subramanian, strategist of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch, stated briefly that the active fund managers continued to be on the wrong side of the trade this year. Telecom, utilities and energy benefited from the rebound of oil prices, to which many funds did not attach enough importance. On the contrary, healthcare and consumer discretionary, two of the three worst-performing sectors, were overweight in active funds.

The fees are eating into the gains of funds. If the investor was lucky and chose a follow-the-benchmark active equity fund, the fees would take 1/3 of the income, not to mention that most active funds usually underperformed the benchmarks. Although the fees keep lowering these years, there are quite amazing when the gains of the market and funds are modest.

As a result, investors gradually shifted from active funds to passive funds, for reducing the cost and stopping the loss. According to data from Morningstar, active funds have lost $149.8bn in assets in the first half of 2016, while passive funds took in $286.1bn.

How should you invest your retirement money?

Most agents want your money invested in funds that they can earn a commission from
Based on my experience, most agents are not highly skilled in assessing investment instruments. They pass a couple of mandatory exams. But they cannot explain simple quantitative risk measures.

Typically, they will show you a snapshot of how a fund performs over time. This is tricky. A study by Cass university shows how fund performances lack persistency. i.e. If you buy a loser, the chance of outdoing a winner next year is higher. Simply put, there is a return to average. It is a simple, yet stubborn principle.

Most fund returns are not persistent
In this study – Why Does Mutual Fund Performance Not Persist? The Impact and Interaction of Fund Flows and Manager Changes, it was concluded that the performance of the worst performing funds experiencing both the replacement of the fund manager (internal governance) and high outflows (external governance) enjoys a subsequent increase of 2.40 percentage points in the following year, relative to loser funds not experiencing these effects.

If statistically fund performance are not persistent, it makes more sense to just buy the cheapest index funds. “The persistence of performance among past winners is no more predictable than the flip of a coin,” said Peter Westaway, Vanguard’s chief economist in Europe.

The next step
  • You should go direct. Skip agents and save cost
  • You should have a longer time horizon. If you don’t have at least 10-year horizon, go for simple banking deposits.
  • You should go for index funds that are cheap and broadly diversified, preferably cash based index funds and not diversified.

Read more here:

Top performers definitely do not remain at the top.

Investing in actively managed funds is a bad idea

Investing in actively managed funds is a bad idea: they only eat up your hard-earned money, while financial mediators make a fortune. Make more of your money by investing in an index fund.

Actively managed funds are expensive and consequently often underperform the market.

Few funds perform well, and there’s no guarantee even those few will continue to do so.

Investors often underestimate the true cost of actively managed funds. Put the majority of your assets in safe, low-cost index funds.

Each index fund comprises an expense ratio that represents management fees and operating expenses. These expenses, though typically totalling less than one percent, can add up in a long-term investment.

Actionable advice: Invest the majority of your assets in an index fund, and if you want to gamble with some of your hard-earned money, then place a small amount in actively managed funds. If, despite what you’ve read you still want to partake in the thrill of risking some money and making fast profits in actively managed funds, bet on no more than 5 percent. You can afford to risk this small amount but absolutely keep the majority of your assets in a safe long-term investment.

The costs of investing in such a fund are very high. As an investor, you’d pay the brokerage commissions, the fund manager’s fees and so forth. All those fees add up to a hefty chunk of your expected profits.

If the funds perform extremely well, you might not mind those costs, but in the long run, actively managed funds are likely to yield you less profit than the overall stock market.
An actively managed fund will generate significantly less profit for you than a passive, low-cost index fund that merely mimics the performance of the overall market. In fact, if you had invested $10,000 in 1980, by 2005 you would walk away with 70 percent less if you invested in an active fund rather than an index fund, due to fees alone!

Investors pay huge fees to funds, deferring to financial experts who have a solid understanding of the stock market. However, despite industry knowledge or expertise, only 24 of the 355 mutual funds that existed in 1970 have outperformed the market consistently and remain in business.

Actively managed funds automatically come with high costs. However, fund managers rarely disclose the dollar amount. Instead, they boast about the high returns but forget to divulge what the investor will really earn after deducting all the performance and portfolio fees.
Surprisingly, that omission occurs often: 198 of the 200 most successful funds in the latter years of the 1990s reported higher returns than the investors actually earned!

Don’t let what you now know about actively managed funds persuade you to keep all your money under your bed. The index fund is your best alternative.

In contrast to actively managed funds, index funds are much more cost-efficient.
By definition, an index fund holds a diversified portfolio that reflects the financial market or a specific market sector. However, instead of betting on the market, index funds hold their portfolios indefinitely, eliminating the risks of making short-term, volatile bets while simultaneously minimizing operating costs.

Because index funds track the performance of all stocks included in the index without betting on individual stocks, they’re also called passive funds.

Since they simply hold shares across particular market sectors, you will not have to bear operating fees for buying and selling shares, financial consultants, or fund management. You will, however, reap the benefits of commercial net returns.

Another advantage to index funds is that they’re likely to outperform actively managed funds in the long-term.

For instance, many Vanguard index funds fees are less than 0.06% per annum. Both funds have expenses below 1 percent, but over longer investment periods like a decade, those tenths of a penny add up.

Since index funds fluctuations follow the overall market, go ahead and choose the fund with the lowest cost structure, knowing that a company’s expense ratio doesn’t equate with its level of performance.

The truth about preparing for retirement

I’m amazed by the proliferation of articles and content on methods to make big money online. On forums, ordinary men try to give advice on which broker to use, which product to buy.
The truth is simpler. People simply want to earn commissions on your investment. The more you trade, the more they earn. The more you buy into mutual funds, the more fees you pay to agents. Investments should be boring. Put your money in a globally diversified fund and leave it there. Do not move money. Companies layer fees when you try to move money.
Start young, have a long investment horizon. Go for globally diversified passive funds. I like ETFs in Singapore because we cannot buy Vanguard funds direct yet.
Avoid actively management funds. I wrote a few articles consolidating evidences on why active managed funds don’t work.
Also read vanguard’s studies. See the truth about active funds here. Don’t trade actively. Don’t invest in active funds. You are simply funding the high salaries of managers. More than 80% don’t even beat the benchmark market returns.
There are only 3 simple steps to investing:
  1. Save monthly, 20 to 30% is a good figure.
  2. Invest the money in index passive funds.
  3. Leave it. Don’t touch the pot of gold.
Run away from people who are trying to sell you active investments. Don’t even talk to people who want you to believe trading leisurely will make you rich. Let your money work for you. Leave your money in a passive fund.