Mid-Form Videos: The Better Alternative for Chinese Video Platforms?

Find out why mid-form videos are popping off on Chinese video platforms and what this video concept offers.
Online video platforms such as Tik Tok, Kwai or iQIYI have all started to publicize bite-sized dramas on their home page. The Chinese video streaming industry calls these skits “medium-length videos” or “mid-form videos”. This concept, formally introduced in October 2020 by Watermelon Video's CEO Ren Lifeng, is now trending on all major video platforms in China.

Source: 36kr.com
Mid-form videos
According to Ren Lifeng, a typical mid-form video will have the following characteristics: 
  • The video duration can be anything between 1-30 minutes, but a length of 5-15 minutes is more commonly seen. 
  • The video content has depth. There are currently two types of content: popular science and summarized versions of long-form videos.
  • The video creator has professional knowledge and experience.
  • The video has a more refined production. Although it may not be very professional, the content arrangement, picture layout, clarity and subtitles are of higher quality.
Why are online video platforms pushing for mid-form videos?
Based on the definition above, mid-form video is not a new concept for sure. So what then can explain the mid-form video’s rising popularity on all Chinese streaming platforms?
1. Short-form and long-form video’s limited profitability
The one-minute duration of short-form videos constrains the depth of content covered and makes it hard to weave in advertisements. The platforms are also finding it hard to maintain user engagement due to the homogenization of content overly focused on entertainment.
On the other hand, long-form video platforms have been burning their money for copyright issues over the years, while short-form video platforms eat up part of their market share. As a result, these platforms have suffered continuous losses, and the trend is expected to continue.
2. Witnessing the success of YouTube
YouTube is dominated by mid-form videos, with an average video length of about 15 minutes. Even though YouTube faces fierce competition from other short video platforms, it can still maintain its user size at a compound growth rate of 21.56%. The success of YouTube’s mid-form video model has attracted other platforms to follow suit. 
3. 5G Technology and changing consumption habits
With 5G technology, platforms can stream videos at a higher definition, fluency, and lower cost. As a result, consumers are no longer satisfied with short videos that are mainly for entertainment. According to the Professional Development Report of Mid-form Video Creators released by Watermelon Video and Newrank, about 70% of mid-form video users want to develop skillsets and enrich themselves. Therefore, high-quality video content will better meet the needs of this changing consumption habit.
The growing demand for mid-form videos
According to the Professional Development Report of Mid-form Video Creators, the number of high-frequency video users in 2020 has reached 605 million with a penetration rate of 64%. Therefore, compared to the total volume of Chinese Internet users (940 million) and the penetration rate of online video users (95%), there is sufficient room for the growth of mid-form videos. 
The 2020 Annual Mid-form Video Platform Market Research Report released by Bigdata Research shows that the daily consumption time per capita for mid-form videos in 2020 has increased significantly, exceeding 100 minutes in December 2020. In addition, demand for 10-20 minutes long videos grew by 10.7%.  
In terms of age, 78% of medium video users are under 30 years old. Among them, those with a college degree or above account for more than 45%.  
In addition, user preference differs among different age groups. For example, the post-00s generation prefer videos on cute pets, slimes, and other niche categories; the post-90s generation like to watch unboxing videos about clothes, new electronic games, and commentary; the post-80s prefer sharing of household products and funny jokes, while the post-70s love cute children and romantic dramas.  
A highly competitive market
In recent years, the mid-form video market has emerged as a battlefield strongly contended by existing players.
July 2019: Kwai extended its video recording time to 5-10 minutes. Less than a month later, Tik Tok also allowed videos to stream up to 15 minutes.
April 2020: iQIYI launched a video streaming product named "Suike", which aims to be the Chinese YouTube. This was followed by a collaborative move between iQIYI and Baidu, allowing users to use one account and access both platform's videos.
July 2020: Weibo launched a plan worth RMB 500 million (US$78.1) to support mid-form video creators. A month later, both Xianghongshu and WeChat added features to support the streaming of mid-form videos.
October 2020: Zhihu launched a "video" section, focusing on knowledge-based videos of more than one minute. Baidu launched an independent App, "Baidu Kankan", which focuses on mid-form video streaming. Watermelon Video announced that it would spend at least RMB 2 billion (US$0.3 billion) to help video creators improve their content quality in the next year.  
December 2020: Tencent Video jumped on the bandwagon and started to stream mid-form videos.  
A better alternative for video platforms?
Although mid-form video serves as a strategic growth point in the video streaming industry, its future remains uncertain. Quibi, a video platform streaming short plays over the years, has failed and left the market. Bilibili, known for its diverse range of mid-form videos, continues to make losses.

In terms of content production, while short-form videos are dominated by User Generated Content (UGC), mid-form videos with higher content depth requirements mainly rely on Professional Generated Content (PGC). However, depending solely on a narrow scope of PGC risks repeating the unsuccessful path of Quibi. This is why video platforms need to produce diversified content to attract users continuously.

Yet, most Chinese video platforms, especially those focusing on long-form videos, do not have an ecosystem as comprehensive as Bilibili for content creation. Few merchants are willing to cooperate with content creators for ads or live streaming e-commerce. Even though mid-form video platforms promise content creators guaranteed salaries plus commission, their incomes remain pretty volatile. Most of them rely on subsidies from the platforms' incentive plans.
In addition, viewers of mid-form videos are more loyal to the content creators than the video platform itself. This means that once the content creators switch from one platform to another, the viewers will also follow suit. 

YouTube as a mid-form video platform is successful because of its developed business model consisting of Professional User Generated Content (PUGC), content consumption by users, advertising revenue and income from viewership. In contrast, Chinese mid-form video platforms are still at their experimental stage. Compared to the typical long dramas, it is harder to attract investments and viewership for mid-from skits due to the limited clout.
Chen Rui, the CEO of Bilibili, questioned the concept of mid-form videos, as he believes that the length of the video does not matter. Instead, it should be about whether the viewers like the video content or not, regardless of the video length.

The success of the mid-form video concept remains to be seen. Time will testify the ideal content suitable for mid-form videos, its profitability and how mid-form video platforms should operate.


  1. 时长在1-30分钟之间,一般情况下5-15分钟更适宜。
  2. 有一定内容和深度。目前有两个内容大方向:趣味科普类内容;长视频的微版。
  3. 创作者有一定的相关专业知识、经验丰富,很少小白创作者。
  4. 有一定的拍摄质量水准,虽然不是很精美很专业,但在内容编排、画面布局、清晰度、配音字幕等方面都有一定讲究,不是那种随手一拍的东西。

  1. 短视频的流量已趋饱和。一分钟以内的时长,限制了短视频平台的内容深度,也让其基本无法穿插广告。而内容的娱乐化、同质化使平台难以保持用户粘性。
  2. 长视频平台连年烧钱买版权,而流量和广告份额却被崛起的短视频蚕食,就连疫情下的宅家红利都无法扭转其连续亏损的势态。
  3. Youtube视频平均时长约15分钟,即使在短视频平台快速吸引用户注意力的情况下,其用户规模仍然保持21.56%的复合增长率。成功者的经验自然吸引大批追随者。
  4. 5G带来的高清晰度,流畅度,和低资费,使得人们不再满足于纯娱乐的短视频。有优质内容的中视频在满足部分用户需求的同时,也更适合用户碎片时间的利用。根据西瓜视频联合新榜发布《中视频创作人职业发展报告》,七成中视频用户希望能提升技能,充实自我。




202010月,知乎上线了视频专区,重点发力1分钟以上的知识类视频。百度上线独立 App“百度看看,主打视频流。西瓜视频宣布未来一年至少拿出20亿元帮助优质视频创作者。


The Operations of Internet B2B Products

Understand how the three critical aspects of operations in the internet B2B industry come together in a digital transformation process.
Today, the main battlefield of the internet has shifted focus from B2C to B2B.  Unlike B2C products, which can attract consumers through various ways, B2B products require a digital transformation in marketing. Find out what are the different forms of product operations (ops) in the internet B2B industry.

Source: RfidWorld
The internet B2B industry
The internet B2B industry moves traditional business processes online through digital tools. It forms an online closed-loop ecosystem and a unified, organized data space for all stakeholders. The key feature of the industrial internet is supply chain optimization, in which resources are allocated to reduce asymmetric information, improve data efficiency, and create incremental value to accelerate business growth.
Internet B2B products
B2B products meet the "business needs" of enterprises by improving their operations. Therefore, B2B products should come from a standpoint that is designed to solve business pain points.

There are three types of values created by the internet: the value realized by the product itself (the value obtained by the customer from using the product), the value delivered by marketing, and the value received directly by the customer.
The value realized by the product focuses on product design and its functionality, which is the product manager (PM)’s primary responsibility. The value delivered by marketing and the value received by customers relies more on product ops instead.
Internet B2B product operations
The goal of B2B product ops is to increase sales by improving the customer value proposition. Channel development, customer maintenance (service), brand building, word-of-mouth marketing and content delivery are operational processes that can improve customer satisfaction.
B2B operations are user-centric, which means operators need to be familiar with the targeted users and the stakeholders around them (other colleagues and business contacts). It is impossible to optimize the traditional chain if product ops lack the relevant industry expertise and depth.
1. The operations of internet B2B products consist of three main roles:

Marketing operation: the intervening strategies related to areas of publicity and exposure of a product through marketing.
Platform operation (including user operation, content operation and community operation): the main job of this process consists of communicating with users, maintaining their preferences, and obtaining feedback. According to user needs, the firm needs to produce high-quality content to stimulate interested users to interact in the platform. During this process, it is essential to turn such communication into collectable behavioural data.
Business operation (or BD-business development, sales): this is about negotiating with potential customers and selling the respective products. 
2. In a transformation process, the priorities differ in different operational stages
When the product starts from scratch, operations should focus on experimenting with a specific business scenario. This is a low cost and holistic method that allows for feedback and further understanding of the market.
In the midterm, the business gradually develops. Product ops should try to obtain more data and follow up the transformation process. If any problems exist in the product, the product ops team should forward it to the relevant department for iterative optimization.  
When the number of users proliferates in the business development period, the enterprise will begin to make profits. During this stage, the product operations team should assist the product department to continuously perfect the product details as new product functions will be needed. The team can consider external cooperation if necessary.
When the business is relatively stable, the bulk of sales come from a steady stream of customers with sustainable demands. In this case, product operations serve to maintain the current service and customer relationships.
3. The purpose of product operations
First, product ops help a B2Bproduct deliver its core value. As mentioned, B2B products meet the business needs of enterprise users. This is the reason why operation systems revolve around user demand and user behaviour.   
Therefore, the product department needs to teach the product ops team how to operate the product system and tell users where problems lie. The team should understand the basic logic of the product design to communicate smoothly with the users.
Second, product ops also assist in industry implementations. Before teaching the marketing department how to promote a product, the product ops team should first understand the target users. Operation strategy will differ based on different groups of users. Upon understanding the target users, the marketing department can forward the user feedback to the product ops team and identify the customer pain points.
The process of B2B internet product operations
B2B products need to establish an online user operating system that includes user activation, user transformation, and user value maximization. Product ops need to integrate "online" with "offline" processes perfectly. They should run through the whole business process, understand how to design the system, and add relevant digital tools to improve the product. There are two ways how B2B internet product ops work:
1. Offline to online: this process includes research and feedback on customer service and operations.
Research: research of B2B products should focus on market research instead of simple user research. The product manager needs to go through the industry analysis, product evaluation, data mining and other analytical processes. Through research, we can figure out the business status and identify the bottleneck, the product positioning, and the expected gains.  
Feedback on customer service: This is about collecting user feedback and collating all input to the product manager. The product manager will filter accordingly and extract crucial information during this process. Excellent B2B product managers must have a rich, practical experience that allows them to identify the real pain points of users accurately.
Feedback on operations: the development of front-end sales and e-sales personnel should focus on identifying real users and promoting sales.
2. Online to offline: this process includes customer pain points analysis, product manual, and online training.  
Customer pain points: the ultimate value of B2B products is to increase the enterprise’s profit, which can be done by improving efficiency and reducing costs. Enterprises realize value through sales, and sales volume is directly related to making profits. After the product (system) is launched, there may exist customer pain points that hinder sales. Provide user-friendly instructions and solutions from a product design standpoint.
Product manual: Before releasing a new product manual, the product manager, the customer success department, and the marketing department should discuss the implementation scenarios and the product value description. The marketing department helps upgrade the sales tools, while the customer success department improves the implementation scenarios and the customer use cases. When training the sales team on the new product manual, the marketing department should focus on the product value and implementation scenarios. A complete product demonstration is unnecessary (the more complex the product, the less necessary the demonstration. 
Online training: Apart from value delivery, the internal training of the customer success department should focus on functional and operating components as they will need to help customers solve operating problems.



1. 产业互联网的运营岗有三种角色:

2. 传统企业转型过程中,不同阶段运营岗所需的重点工作:
3. 运营的职责
职责一:帮助产品传递核心理念。B端产品的核心理念是满足企业的 “业务需求”。在传递这一理念的过程中,企业用户自然就是运营体系的核心,一切都是围绕用户的行为和意愿进行。因此,产品需要教会运营如何使用系统,如何告知用户哪里有问题,而运营需要明白产品设计的基本逻辑,整理出客户能明白的话术。

1. 从线下到线上。这个过程包含前期调研、客服反馈、运营反馈三个重要步骤。
2. 从线上到线下。过程包含销售点分析、产品手册制作以及上线培训。
前期调研: 产业互联网产品的调研,严格意义来说一定是市场调研,而不是简单的用户调研。产品经理需要通过行业分析、产品测评、数据挖掘等方法梳理业务流程。调研结果需要得出业务流程现状、业务流程的瓶颈、产品如何定位、最终期望获得什么收获。


Net Worth US$1.4 Billion, Taobao Live Streamer Joins China’s 500 Richest

Get to know Viya, the Livestream Queen in China and the four reasons that contributed to her success.

On 13 May 2021, New Fortune released its China 500 rich list. Viya, a 36-year-old Taobao host, together with her husband, ranked 490th with a net worth of RMB 9 billion (US$1.4 billion). Different from others on the list, Viya came from a humble background. She is a representative of grassroots wealth creation and entrepreneurship.
Source: Everpedia.org
Viya's live broadcast achievements
If Jack Ma has shown everyone how big the Internet industry in China is – especially the e-commerce sector, Viya has demonstrated how live stream e-commerce can achieve breakthrough records unseen elsewhere.
This beautiful Anhui native previously debuted as a singer, and she even had collaborations with celebrities such as Jackie Chan and JJ Lin. Upon leaving the entertainment industry, she started selling clothes both offline and online. In 2016, she became the official video anchor of Taobao and continued her career till now. 
In a 2017 live broadcast, she guided the sales of a fur fashion shop that started with no followers and achieved a sales volume of RMB 70 million (US$10.9 million) in five hours. In 2018, Viya topped Taobao’s highest-earning list with an annual income of RMB 30 million (US$4.7 million). On the Singles Day Shopping Festival, her sales reached RMB 267 million (US$41.7 million). 
In March 2019, Viya's live broadcast in South Korea had 4.6 million audiences, selling 850,000 items worth over RMB 100 million (US$15.6 million). Later, she did a five-hour live broadcast in Thailand, which had 5.4 million audiences and a sales volume of RMB 114 million (US$17.8 million). Afterwards, she was invited by New Zealand to live stream for two days, where she sold over 1.4 million items worth RMB 134 million (US$20.9 million) in total. On Taobao’s Singles Day, Viya held three live broadcasts, reaching a sales volume of RMB 2.7 billion (US$421.9 million). In 2020, her total turnover reached RMB 30 billion (US$4.7 billion), ranking first on Taobao Live.
Source: Zhaihehe.com
Viya’s keys to success
For many years, Viya has consistently ranked as the top anchor of China's live streaming platforms. She won numerous awards such as the "Global Quality Product Recommender" and "Chief Recommender". Her outstanding performance made her a national idol after Jack Ma. There are over 130 million anchors in the Chinese live-streaming industry. Still, most of them only earn RMB 3,000 to 5,000 (US $468.8 to US$781.2) a month, according to the Development Report of China's internet performance (live streaming) industry in 2020. Why is Viya so successful in the live stream e-commerce sector? 
1. Persistence
At Taobao's infancy phase, many merchants distrust Taobao's ability to generate sales. There was a lack of business cooperation with local merchants, which limited the profitability of e-commerce anchors. Many anchors turned to the entertainment industry for fast cash, but Viya persisted in the field of live stream e-commerce.
2. User trust
In an e-commerce live broadcast, customers will repurchase a good product at a competitive price with a pleasant shopping experience. Once the video anchor achieves the three conditions above, he or she will establish trust with the customers, and this relationship will continue to grow. Viya's studio always emphasizes that Viya has tested all the products. Customers believe in Viya because of the trusting relationship that is built between Viya and her followers.
3. Dare to try
Viya's studio sells products from many categories, such as household products, real estate, Starbucks and McDonald's coupons, movie tickets, and even rockets. As Viya said, "I am trying to make the impossible possible." This quote succinctly summarized her secret to success.
4. Originality
With the continuous development of Taobao Live and the influx of merchants, it is now easier for live stream anchors to make money. While some anchors started selling fake or flawed products for quick cash, Viya only recommends products after strict selection. She knows the importance of maintaining user trust. One disappointment can cause a follower never to trust the host again. 
Viya’s originality also comes from her efforts to alleviate poverty through e-commerce. She devoted herself to the social welfare sector since 2018, and these initiatives have received strong support from Alibaba and the government. Now, her studio frequently engages with stars, celebrities, socialites, and government officials. Her charity live broadcast promoting good products from rural areas won praise from the public. 
Source: Alizila
The booming Chinese live broadcast market
According to the China Association of Performing Arts, the number of Chinese live broadcast users reached 617 million, and the market size of this industry is about RMB 193 billion (US$30.2 billion) in 2020. 
Various live streaming platforms have also created many other popular anchors, such as Li Jiaqi, the number one lipstick seller in Taobao, with over 44.2 million followers and an average of ten million viewers per broadcast. Luo Yonghao, the former CEO of Smartisan, nearly paid off his RMB 600 million (US$93.8 million) debt by live-streaming on Tik Tok. Li Ziqi, a world-famous creator of short videos, earns dozens of millions a year through video streaming and user rewards.
Source: Lee Jiaqi and Luo Yonghao Weibo Profile
Can we copy the route to success?
With solid support from the government, the e-commerce industry has been doing well in China. Local governments use live streams to promote tourism and local specialities. They also run various training courses to teach farmers how to sell goods online and how to earn traffic income from their videos. Video platforms offer tutorials to develop beginner level anchors. 
The successes of leading anchors inspired many to follow suit. Chinese youths no longer aspire to become star celebrity. They want to enjoy both fame and money by becoming a live stream anchor instead.
While there are many ways to become a video anchor, here are some basic principles observed among successful anchors:
1.     Have the courage to try
2.     Be original
3.     Show a good attitude
4.     Keep learning
5.     Have a bottom line
6.     Never give up
While the core principles remain the same, individual anchors have different personalities and face different contexts. Aspiring anchors should not blindly copy after successful anchors but experiment and figure out their way instead.